
Acting in a responsible, sustainable manner is a central component of Liechtenstein’s culture. Liechtenstein is establishing itself as a respected, sustainable and stable financial centre.

In December 2015 a new era was initiated at the Climate Conference in Paris when all member states of the UN agreed to support a new climate convention. This convention is also setting the future direction of the financial sector. After all, it too is affected by climate change and the associated risks. If it does not focus its investments on sustainably oriented companies and sectors in good time, then climate change could destroy assets.

Sustainability plays an important role in Liechtenstein’s financial centre. It promotes the development of cutting-edge products and structures that take account of the sense of responsibility shown by clients towards society and the environment.

Ocean protection

The Liechtenstein Bankers Association has agreed a partnership with Teal Project, rrreefs and DynamicElement to protect the oceans. The aim is to uphold and protect unique marine ecosystems and habitats for millions of marine animals.
